4、G Xue2, HUANG Ke2(1. College of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China; 2. College ofChemistry and Materials Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China)Abstract: In this work, a novel method was developed by using Fe3O4magnetic
5、 nanoparticles (MNPs) foreffective adsorption of inorganic arsenic (As(III)) in environmental samples and cells for preconcentration. Theadsorbed inorganic arsenic by Fe3O4MNPs in cells was easily separated by a magnet from the sample matrix.And the Fe3O4MNPs was completely dissolved in h
6、ydrochloric acid prior to the determination of inorganicarsenic by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). The limit of detection (LOD) was0.004 ng /mL for As(III), which was improved by 50-fold compared to that of conventional method withoutpreconcentration. The rel
7、ative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 2.0% (n=7)with high stability.收稿日期:2018-02-07;收到修改稿日期:2018-03-16基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81603291);成都中医药大学校基金(ZRQN1651)作者简介:袁 欣(1988-),女,四川成都市人,讲师,博士,主要从事光谱分析方面研究。通信作者:江 雪(1988-),女,四川简阳市人,实验师,博士,主要研究方向为光谱分析。黄 科(1987-),男,四川成都市人,高级实验师