《炸掉你的人力资源部-Taking On the Last Bureaucracy》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在行业资料-天天文库。
1、----------专业最好文档,专业为你服务,急你所急,供你所需-------------文档下载最佳的地方《Fortune》January15,1996,p.105.(ThomasA.Stewart)《炸掉你的人力资源部》意译TakingOntheLastBureaucracyPeopleNeedPeople---ButDoTheyNeedPersonnel?It'sTimeforHumanResourcesDepartmentstoPutUporShutUp.Nestling warm and sleepy in your company, like t
2、he asp in Cleopatra's bosom, is a department whose employees spend 80% of their time on routineadministrative tasks. Nearly every function of this department can be performed more expertly for less by others. Chances are its leaders are unable todescribe their contribution to value
3、added except in trendy, unquantifiable, and wannabe terms--yet, like a serpent unaffected by its own venom, thedepartment frequently dispenses to others advice on how to eliminate work that does not add value. It is also an organization where the averageadvertised salary for profess
4、ional staffers increased 30% last year.I am describing, of course, your human resources department, and have a modest proposal: Why not blow the sucker up?【在你的公司中存在着一个暖洋洋的、昏昏欲睡的,就像是科洛巴特拉(古埃及艳后,用毒蛇自杀)胸脯上的毒蛇一样的东西,这个东西就是你公司中的一个部门。这个部门所属雇员80%的时间都用在了日常性的行政管理事务上。该部门的几乎所有的职能都可以让其他部门用更少的时间却