2、计算得到Fe3+和Cu2+离子的检测限分别为230nm和620nm,所制备的荧光检测板能简捷即时的检测环境水样甚至饮用水中的Fe3+和Cu2+离子。因此,我们以三苯胺单元作为制备超分子聚合物荧光探针的基础,用于金属离子的检测。关键字:三苯胺;超分子聚合物;荧光探针;金属离子识别21AbstractTriphenylamine ( TPA ) structure unit, due to the electron-rich conjugate structure of c and non-planar, can form a variety
3、of supramolecular polymers through supramolecular self-assembly, causing the long-term attention of chemists. Therefore, we chose Triphenylamine as raw material to prepare fluorescent probe tapa, and a series ofdetection of the molecule, the basic structure was characteriz
4、ed by NMR and IR, and its optical properties were characterized by ultraviolet and fluorescence. In this paper, the supramolecular polymer fluorescence probe with Triphenylamine ( TPA ) as a monomer is synthesized, which shows strong selectivity and sensitivity for alkali
5、ions and transition metal ions in aqueous phase. The possible quenching mechanism is that Fe3 + and Cu2 + ions have no fluorescence complex in the structure of amino group. The detection limit of Fe3 + and Cu2 + ions were 230 nm and 620 nm, respectively. the prepared fluor
6、escence probe can directly and instantly detect Fe3 + and Al3 + ions drinking water and drinking water. Therefore, we select the Triphenylamine unit as the basic unit for the preparation of a supramolecular polymer fluorescence probe for the detection of metalions.Keywords