2、对国产舰用牵引车简要说明。关键词:舰载机调运;舰用牵引车;牵引方式;无杆牵引中图分类号:V271.4+92 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672 – 7619(2016)09 – 0140 – 05 doi:10.3404/j.issn.1672-7619.2016.09.029Analysisofhandlingmodefortowingaircraftsandcarrier-basedtractorsincarrierWANG Zhi, HONG Man, Liu Xue-wen(Beijing Go
3、ld-wheel Special Machine Co.Ltd., Beijing 100083, China)Abstract: Carrier-based tractor is a special vehicle for dispatching carrier-based aircrafts in carrier. There are manytractors in various forms since the difference in tow handling mode and operation method of tra
4、ctors. The classification ofcarrier-based tractor is presented on the basis of the analysis about tow handling mode of towed by tow bar or towbarless.The characteristics of each kind of tractor are summarized such as tow tractor, towbarless tractor, tractor in walking o
5、pera-tion, tractor by remote control. The domestic carrier-based tractors are illustrated briefly.Keywords: aircraft dispatching;carrier-based tractor;handling mode;towbarless0 引言牵引与无杆牵引两类,前者通过牵引杆作用于舰载机,后者直接作用于舰载机。为了发挥各自优势,可舰载机担负防空、反舰、袭岸、反潜、电子战、同舰配备 2 种牵引车使用。舰面甲板空间相