《英语人教版三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo Let‘s talk.doc》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
1、Unit 3 At the zoo(B)河源市金沟湾小学吴秋萍教学内容:Let's talk 教学目标:让学生在练习中得以掌握have 和 has 的对比和运用。在情景中运用small, big,, short, tall。 教学重点:在情景中运用small, big, long, short, tall。 教学难点:have 和 has 的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。 教具准备:多媒体、录音、动物玩具 教学过程: 1、 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) (Warm-up) (1)Let’s enjoy a song Le
2、t the class enjoy the song together. (2)Let’s do Look at the CD-ROM and try to say the rhyme, do the actions. (3)Look and say Look at the CD-ROM and try to describe the animals. 2 、呈现新课 (Presentation) (1)T:Lookatthepicture.Howmanyanimalscanyousee?S:…T:Yes,comehere,children.Let
3、’sgotothezoo.(2)Leading-in T: Look! Miss White is leading her students visiting the animals. What are they talking about the animals? Let’s see. (3)T:Now,lookatthesepictures.Whatisthis?S:…elephant.T:Good,WhatdoseChenjiesayabouttheelephant?S:Ithasalongnose.T:WhatdoseMikesayabou
4、t?S:…(4)Let’s look at the CD-ROM and understand the dialogue.(5)Look and read.3.Groupwork.Rollplay.4.T:Theelephantisbig.Ithasa…Look,Ihaveabear,It‘sshort.Ithas…Studentsintroducetheirdolls.5.Gametime.6.WatchVidio7.Let’s practice.8.Homework.(1)Listenandfollowthetape3times.(2)Read
5、thedialoguetoyourparents.板书设计: Unit 3 At the zoo(B)Let's talkIt has alongnose.ashorttail.smalleyesandbigears.