1、经验交流沥青混凝土路面裂缝的形成原因分析及预防The reasons for the formation of cracks on asphalt concrete pavement analysis and prevention苏 琳(甘肃建筑职业技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730050)摘 要:沥青混凝土路面以其防滑性好、噪音小、行车平稳等优点被广泛应用。但由于沥青混凝土路面易出现裂缝和老化等问题而影响其使用寿命,本人在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,结合工作实践,提出了沥青混凝土路面裂缝形成的原因及预防措施。关键词:沥青混凝土路面;裂缝;成因;防治措施Abstract:With the rap
2、id development of national economy, quickening the pace of highway construction also in our country, more and more high to the requirement. Asphalt concrete pavement for its good skid resistance, low noise, smooth traffic advantages and is widely used. But as a result of asphalt concrete pavement
3、 cracks and aging problem easily and affect the service life and I on the basis of consulting a large number of literature, in combination with working practice, puts forward the causes of the formation of asphalt concrete pavement cracks and preventive measures.Key words:asphalt concrete pavemen
4、t;fracture; genesis;prevention and control measures中图分类号:U 418. 6 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1003-8965(2015)01-0122-02在我国的市政、公路,特别是高等级公路建设中,新的裂缝,从而导致裂缝扩展并贯通起来而破坏。沥青混凝土路面所占比重较大,是构成路面的主要材料。3)基层材料的收缩但其中裂缝和沥青材料的老化是常见的病害现象。一旦出一方面,基层材料在成型及硬化过程中,不可避免现这些现象,将会进一步加速新裂缝的产生,降低路面的地产生收缩,引起横向裂缝;另一方面,在长期使用过程承载能力。不仅会影响行车的舒适性和路