1、文体学复习 Unit One 1. Stylistics: A discipline that studies the ways in which language is used;it is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use. 2. Subdivision of Stylistics: General and Literary Unit Two 1. Why should we study Stylistics? A. It helps cultivate a sense of appropriatene
2、ss. B. It sharpens the understanding and appreciation of literary works. C. It helps achieve adaptation in translation. Unit Three 1. Dialects: Language variations that are associated with different users of the language. 2. Registers: Language variations that are associated with the different
3、use to which they are put. 3. Patterns of Dialects: Individual; Temporal; Regional; Social and Standard, among which Social dialect can be further divided into socioeconomic status, ethnic, gender and age variety. 4. Patterns of Registers: Field of discourse; Mode of discourse and Tenor of disc
4、ourse. Unit 5 1. Formality: It refers to the way in which the style of language will vary in appropriateness according to the social context: the occasion and the relationship between addresser and addressee. 2. Two main factors that vary the degree of formality: Functional Tenor and Speech Sit
5、uation. Functional Tenor : tells us the addresser’s intention of using the language. Speech Situation: In order to choose an appropriate spot on the continuum, thespeaker must assess the ―speech situation‖----the setting, purpose, audience, social relations, and topic. 3. Martin Joos’ Classific
6、ation A. the frozen level: written legal documents or highly solemn speech. B. the formal level: used for public address such as lectures or speeches where the audience is not known to the speaker personally or where personal acquaintance is not acknowledged. C. the consultative level: Less fo
7、rmal gatherings such as committee meetings where status is still fairly clearly designed, but where participants interact. D. the casual level: Among friends, or peers who know each other well enough that little elaboration is nec