3、ckout退房VISACard维萨信用卡roomcard房卡Situation 1.Checking in for Booked RoomsReceptionist :Good morning,sir.CanI help you?Guest:Yes.I would like to check in.My name is Stone James.Receptionist :Do you have a reservation?Guest ;Yes,Ido.Receptionist :Oh,here you are.Mr.Stone James,a double with bathfrom t
4、he 15th to the 17th.AmI right?Guest:Yes.Absolutely.Receptionist: It's on the top floor.Guest;Do you have anything on a lower floor?Receptionis:t I'mafraid nol.Aconvenion is being held in thecity,Thiis the only double room left.Guest:Okay,I'll take it.Receptionist MayI see your passport,please?Rec
5、eptionist :Now please fill out this registration formnationality,age.occupation,passport number.and your signature hereGuest:What is this?Receptionist That's how you wish to make your payment when youcheck out.That'll be my VISA Card.ShallI leave the card numberhere?Guest ;Hereyouare.Receptionist
6、: Yes.Thank you.Here is the room card and room-key cardtoRoom 808,Ihope you'll enjoy your stay,sir.Situation2:15R:Goodmorning.MayIhelpyou?G:Yes,ourcompanyhasmadeareservationforthisweekend.R:Whatisitsname,sir?Gucst:ThomasandSonTradingCorporation.R:Letmehaveacheck.Yes,yourstaffofGU30peopleareonatou