2、“定”或“慧”太过而造成的“增上慢”或“枯木禅”现象。最后笔者指明了智旭以佛解易对现代易学解释的启示。 关键词:智旭;《周易禅解》;大过卦;定;慧;“增上慢”;“枯木禅” Buddhist Zhi-xu’s interpretation on the hexagram of Da-guo in ZhouyiAbstract: Zhou-yi-chan-jie (An interpretation of Zhouyi by Buddhism), written by renowned Buddhist monk Zhi-xu in the la
3、te Ming Dynasty, is the first work interpreting Zhouyi from Buddhism thought and knowledge. This article analyses how Zhi-xu interpreted the hexagram of Da-guo. In his interpretation, Zhi-xu clarified the relationship between samādhi(定)and prajňā(慧)in practicing Buddhism. He said
4、that only practicing samādhi and prajňā simultaneously can we attain the mature phala(果) and warned that if we practice samādhi or prajňā separately too much,we would get into "zeng-shang-man"(增上慢)or "ku-mu-chan"(枯木禅), either of which will hinder you becoming Buddha. At last, the
5、 author points out the inspiration of Zhi-xu’s interpretation to modern I Ching learning interpretation. Key words: Zhi-xu, Zhou-yi-chan-jie, the hexagram of Da-guo, Buddhism, samādhi, prajňā 《周易》有着广阔的意义空间,在这个广阔的意义空间中可以构筑出许多不同的学术领域,这就是人们可以从不同的角度来解读《周易》,并赋予《周易》以各种独特的文化内涵,从而使表面上