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1、银龙仙胶囊的长期毒性试验研究作者:王俊平,董为,王玮,杨丹,赵丽妮【关键词】银龙仙胶囊;长期毒性;大鼠 AbstractObjective:To study the longterm toxic effects of Yinlongxian capsule in rats for the future clinical use of the capsule.Methods:Eighty Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: control gro
2、up and the other groups treated with Yinlongxian capsules at different dosages (1.2,0.6 and 0.3 g/kg respectively)for 6 months and the rats in each group were observed for two more weeks after the stop of the medication.During the experimental period,the g
3、eneral status was mornitored and the body weight of the rats was measured each weekend. The blood cells and various biochemical indexes of the blood and the histological changes in 14 major organs of the rats were determined and observed, respectively.Resul
4、ts: In the groups treated with Yinlongxian capsules,the growth rate and liver indexes of the rats were slightly decreased compared with that of controlgroup.No significant changes in the other blood or organ indexes were founded. Additionally, mild diarrhea
5、 was obsereved in some of the rats in the group treated with high dosage of Yinlongxian capsule.Conclusions:Yinlongxian capsule should be safe in its clinical use at the recommended dosage. Key wordsYinlongxian capsule;longterm toxicity;rat 银龙仙胶囊的成分是银杏叶
6、提取物、霪羊霍和冰片,由沈阳麦迪医药公司研制,主要用于心血管系统疾病的预防和治疗。目前已经完成了临床前疗效研究资料。为了进一步开展该胶囊的临床试验研究,我们首先进行了小鼠口服银龙仙胶囊的毒性实验,结果表明该药以70 kg的成人推荐剂量的80倍灌胃给药30天,小白鼠体重明显减轻(可达15%),且部分小白鼠有腹泻。以70 kg的成人推荐剂量的40倍灌胃给药30天,小白鼠体重减轻不显著,也没有观察到其它不良反应。在此基础上,我们于2006年8月至2007年4月,参考有关 1.2.3 检测指标 每天记录动物外观体
7、征、行为活动、摄食量、粪便性状等;每周定期测定1次体重和摄食量,计算平均摄食量;6个月时各组随机处死10只大白鼠(在末次给药后,禁食12 h,不禁水),雌雄各半,断颈取血5 ml供检测用。摘取动物的主要脏器(心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、肾上腺、胃、小肠、甲状腺、胸腺、子宫、卵巢、睾丸),用福尔马林液固定,做病理切片检查。停药观察期后(即停药2周后),将各组余下的大白鼠全部处死,操作及检测指标同上。 1.2.4统计学方法 用t检验进行统计学处理。 2实验结果 2.1一般情况 在给药和停药观察期间,对给药各
8、组动物与空白组动物进行对比观察。结果表明各组动物毛色光洁、活动灵活,高剂量组部分动物有轻微腹泻。 2.2对大鼠体重变化的影响 在连续灌胃给药6个月内及停药观察期间,各组动物随月龄的增长,体重变化呈正相增长。但各给药组大鼠体重增长比对照组缓慢(P<0.05),提示药物大、中、小剂量对大鼠的体重增长有抑制作用。而且,给药组动物的食物摄入率比对照组动物要低(P<0.05),结果见表1、2。各组动物脏器