1、基于Arduino控制板的可扩展多功能小车Extensible multifunction car based on the Arduino panel页24基于Arduino控制板的可扩展多功能小车Extensible multifunction car based on the Arduino panel作者:指导老师页242017年5月目录目录·················································4中英文摘要···························
5、来实现对问题的处理。4推广应用范围:家庭扫地机器人、餐厅服务机器人、抢险救灾、科学考察、环境检测、娱乐玩具,城市全自动无人驾驶列车,全自动近距离载重车,军事领域的自动牵引系统。关键字:ArduinoC语言可拓展页24Abstract:1.This paper mainly studies the automatic tracking car based on the arduino single-chip microcomputer, and makes it easy for people to live b
6、y simple functions.2. automatic tracing the car with the arduino microcontroller as the core processor, using a variety of sensors and the reception of the sensors to collect signal, and the signal processing, then the processed signal is returned to the var
7、ious actuators, to realize the extensible multi-function car driving, and other functions.3. one of the core technology is the single chip microcomputer for signal processing, the use of programming language is based on C language, so I need to write efficie
8、nt C code to implement handling of the problem.4. scope of application: home of the robot, restaurant service robot, disaster relief, scientific research, environmental testing, entertainment, t