1、经验交流土木工程制图课程在CIPP评价模式下的实践教学评价In the CIPP evaluation mode of practice teaching evaluation of civil engineering drawing course朱晓霞(甘肃建筑职业技术学院,甘肃 兰州730050)摘 要:土木工程范畴内的制图课程可以接纳CIPP特有的评判模式。这种模式带有综合的特性,评判了授课背景、耗费掉的投入、授课流程及关联的影响、可持续的特性。CIPP架构下的评价能促动既有的模式变更,提升科目质量,培育出高层级的应用人才。关键词:土木工程制图课程;C
2、IPP评价模式;实践教学Abstract:in the field of civil engineering drawing course can accept CIPP specific evaluation model. This model with the characteristics of comprehensive evaluation, teaching background, wasted investment, teaching process and related effects, sustainable features. Eval
3、uation under the CIPP framework can actuate the existing mode change, improve the quality of cultivating applied talents in subjects, high-level.Keywords:civil engineering drawing course;CIPP evaluation model;practice teaching中图分类号:G642.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1003-8965(2015)01-0137-02CIPP这