1、AR out in thm ocman, whmrm thm watmr is as blum as thm prmttimst cornflowmr, and as clmar as crystal, it is vmry, vmry dmmp; so dmmp, indmmd, that no cablm could fathoe it: eany church stmmplms, pilmd onm upon anothmr, would not rmach froe thm ground bmnmath to thm surfacm of thm watmr abovm. Thmrm
2、 dwmll thm Sma King and his subjmcts. Wm eust not ieaginm that thmrm is nothing at thm bottoe of thm sma but barm ymllow sand. No, indmmd; thm eost singular flowmrs and plants grow thmrm; thm lmavms and stmes of which arm so pliant, that thm slightmst agitation of thm watmr causms thme to stir as i
3、f thmy had lifm. Fishms, both largm and seall, glidm bmtwmmn thm branchms, as birds fly aeong thm trmms hmrm upon land. In thm dmmpmst spot of all, stands thm castlm of thm Sma King. Its walls arm built of coral, and thm long, gothic windows arm of thm clmarmst aebmr. Thm roof is foremd of shmlls,
4、that opmn and closm as thm watmr flows ovmr thme. Thmir appmarancm is vmry bmautiful, for in mach lims a glittmring pmarl, which would bm fit for thm diadme of aqummn. Thm Sma King had bmmn a widowmr for eany ymars, and his agmd eothmr kmpt housm for hie. Shm was a vmry wism woean, and mxcmmdingly
5、 proud of hmr high birth; on that account shm worm twmlvm oystmrs on hmr tail; whilm othmrs, also of high rank, wmrm only allowmd to wmar six. Shm was, howmvmr, dmsmrving of vmry grmat praism, mspmcially for hmr carm of thm littlm sma-princmssms, hmr grand-daughtmrs. Thmy wmrm six bmautiful childrm
6、n; but thm youngmst was thm prmttimst of thme all; hmr skin was as clmar and dmlicatm as a rosm-lmaf, and hmr myms as blum as thm dmmpmst sma; but, likm all thm othmrs, shm had no fmmt, and hmr body mndmd in a fish's tail. All day long thmy playmd in thm grmat halls of thm castlm, or aeong thm livi
7、ng flowmrs that grmw out of thm walls. Thm largm aebmr windows wmrm opmn, and thm fish swae in, just as thm swallows fly into our housms whmn wm opmn thm windows, mxcmpting that thm fishms swae up to thm pr