1、WhenNegotiating,LookForNonverbalCues寻找非语言暗示2021/7/17when you negotiate a business deal, close observation of your opponent makes sense.By inspecting your opponent's every physical move, you can often determine whether he or she is holding something back or not telling the truth. The k
2、ey is not to stare so much that you make your opponent uncomfortable, but to be aware of his or her movements through casual glances and friendly eye contact. It will almost certainly give you an edge.当你在进行交易谈判的时候,密切观察你的对手是很有意义的。通过观察你的对手的每个动静,你常常可以确定他或者她有没有隐瞒着什么或者有没有说实话。关键不是要紧盯着你的对手,这
3、会让他们感到不舒服。而是通过看似不经意的一瞥和友善的眼神交流来掌握他们的动静。它肯定会是你的一个优势。2021/7/17What should you look for?Experts who study body language suggest a two-step process. First, identify a subject's mannerisms during the initial, friendly stages of a discussion. As the negotiation unfolds, see whether your opp
4、onent suddenly adopts different behavior. You have to watch people a long time to establish what their baseline mode is.Once you know how they normally behave, you may be able to tell when they start to put on an act. Expertssuggestpayingspecialattentiontoaperson'shandsandface.你应该寻找什么
7、tojudgetruthorlieDoyouthinkthatmostpeopleavoideyecontactwhentheyarelying?你认为大多数人在讲谎话的时候会避免眼神交流?No,itisamyth.不,这只是传言。Hewillstareatyou,becauseheneedstowatchandseeifyoubelievehislies.他会盯着你,因为他需要观察,看你是否相信他的谎言。Deception is shown by such movements as covering of the mouth with the hands, ru