4、gh English students can develop a wide variety of skills, not limited to the traditional skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening, but English can also help build and develop an array of life skills, skills and experiences one needs in the world of work, education and travel. Through E
5、nglish students can develop their self-management skills, communication skills, (critical) thinking skills, research skills and social skills. ” 这样的英语教育才是有意义、有生命力、有价值的。我们的英语教学如果不把学生的能力成长放在核心,忽略学生鲜活的学习和成长需要,就会落后于时代要求,停滞在高投入、低效益的状态。 进一步讨论英语多样化的趋势和相应的英语教学意义。在信息化、网络化的时代, 英语作为国际交往的主要媒介,多元化、多样化是趋势。英语不