1、党员地位的经济回报演讲人:杨可扬论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬英文论文:EconomicReturns to Communist PartyMembership: Evidence from Urban Chinese Twins 作者:香港中文大学经济系HongbinLi PakWai Liu Ning MaJunsen Zhang February27, 2006论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬问题的提出共产党员是否依靠党员地位攫取了更高的收入?论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬双变量模型,1y=b
2、+bp+ui01ii 字母含义论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬双变量模型,2 数据来源:国家统计局城市调查大队日常调查回归结果:yˆ =0.600 +0.26 2p (335.74 )(11.36) N=3112Rsqured=0.06论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬扩展的模型,1y=b+ax+bp+bz+ui0i1i2ii whereyi is the logarithm of theearnings ,Xi is the set of observed variables that vary across f
3、amilies . Pi is theParty membershipdummy andZi is a set of observed variables that affect earnings ,such as jobtenture and year of education. Ui is the disturbanceterm.ei论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬回归结果及其解释yˆ=5.374+0. 117p+0.017age-20.029age+0.195male+0.012tenure+0.0
6、(j = 1, 2) is the logarithm of the earnings of the first and second twin in the pair in familyi. Xiis the set of observed variablesthat vary across families but not across twins.Pji ( j= 1, 2) is the Partymembership dummy for twin j in family i, and
7、Zji (j = 1, 2) is a set of observed variables that varyacross the twins. µi represents a set ofunobservables that also affect earnings: that is unobserved abilityor the familyeffect. ~ij (j = 1, 2) is the disturbance term. The ordinaryleast squares (
8、OLS) estimate of the Party membership effect in equation (1), β1, is generally biased. The bias arisesbecause normallywe donot have aperfect measure of µi, which is verylikely to be correlated with Pi.论文选讲主讲人:杨可扬固定效应模型,2(2)-(3):y-y=b(p-p)+b(z-z)+e-e(