文献 Inside the Classroom Observation and Analytic Protocol
文献 Inside the Classroom Observation and Analytic Protocol
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《文献 Inside the Classroom Observation and Analytic Protocol》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在工程资料-天天文库。
1、Observation Date:School:Inside the ClassroomObservation and Analytic ProtocolTime: Start:District:End:Teacher:PART ONE: THE LESSONSection A. Basic Descriptive Information1. Teacher Gender:MaleFemaleTeacher Ethnicity:American Indian or Alaskan NativeAsianHispanic or La
2、tinoBlack or African-AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhite2Subject Observed:MathematicsScience3. Grade Level(s):4. Course Title (if applicable)Class Period (if applicable)5. Students:Number of MalesNumber of Females6.Did you collect copies of instruct
3、ional materials to be sent to HRI?® Yes® No, explain:Horizon Research, Inc.Inside the Classroom: Observation and Analytic Protocol – Page 111/30/00Section B. Purpose of the Lesson:In this section, you are asked to indicate how lesson time was spent and to provide the te
4、acher's statedpurpose for the lesson.1. According to the teacher, the purpose of this lesson was:2. Based on time spent, the focus of this lesson is best described as: (Check one.)° Almost entirely working on the development of algorithms/facts/vocabulary° Mostly working o
5、n the development of algorithms/facts/vocabulary, but working on some mathematics/scienceconcepts° About equally working on algorithms/facts/vocabulary and working on mathematics/science concepts° Mostly working on mathematics/science concepts, but working on some algorith
6、ms/facts/vocabulary° Almost entirely working on mathematics/science conceptsSection C. Lesson RatingsIn this part of the form, you are asked to rate each of a number of key indicators in four differentcategories, from 1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent). You may list a
7、ny additional indicators youconsider important in capturing the essence of this lesson and rate these as well. Use your “Ratings ofKey Indicators” to inform your “Synthesis Ratings”. It is important to indicate in “Supporting Evidencefor Synthesis Ratings” what factors wer
8、e most influential in determining your synthesis ratings and togive specific examples and