3、vityhasbecomeguidingideologyofthepackingdesign,onlythepackingthathavethecreativitycommoditycanconquerthemarketandwontheconsumertofavor.The purpose of my paper is to help us have a correct attitude toward the current situation of China's packaging design, through cultural analysis, we expl
4、ore how to use innovative strategies to settle the practical problems in current packaging design: a lack of awareness of the market, too much emphasis on visual effects and blind imitation. Innovative strategies proposed by us in packaging design: to grasp the direction of the culture of
5、 consuming, to pay great attention to establish the culture of brand, to have a correct attitude toward the cultures both at home and abroad, to implant the idea of green culture.【Keywords】Packagedesign,Innovation,Culture湖南财经高等专科学校毕业论文(设计)第II页目录1绪论12中国包装设计与文化的概述22.1包装的内涵22.1.1包装的定义22.1.2中