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1、基于结构方程模型的课堂案例教学效果评价——以经济法课程为例2013年9月 毒等财/经/墩/育/研/究 alJournofHigherEducationFinance———Sep.,2013Vo1.1…会计类英文参考文献TheOptimizationMethodofFinancialStatementsBasedonAccountingManagementTheoryABSTRACTThispaperdevelops…三到六年级下册信息技术教学工作计划一、本学期各年级下册信息技术教学目标1、三年级下册:巩固键
2、盘知识,学会输入符号,能用符号组成图形;认识、学会使用CapsLock键;了解电脑文件图标,认识文件类型,创建新文件;学会复制、剪贴和粘贴文件;学会移动…2013年937月 毒 等 财/经/墩/育/研/究 alJournof Higher Education Finance ———Sep.,2013 Vo1.16 No.3 第16卷第3期 基于结构方程模型的课堂案例教学效果评价 以经济法课程为例 杨月锋 ,李正红 ,徐学荣2 (1.福建农林大学交通与土木工程学院,福建福州350002;2.福建农林大学经济学
3、院,福建福州350002) [摘要]以结构方程模型为分析工具,从教师、案例、学生三个方面入手,对案例教学法在经济法课程课堂教学中的应用 效果进行评价,构建案例教37学效果影响因素的结构方程模型,以此来了解学生对于案例教学效果的满意度及相关影响因素。研 究结果表明,案例教学效果受教师水平、案例选取、学生反应三方面的共同影响,其中教师方面的因素对案例教学效果影响最 大,其次是案例方面的影响因素,学生方面的影响因素最小。 [关键词]案例教学;结构方程模型;效果评价;经济法课程 冲图分类号]G642 【文献标识码]
4、A [文章编号]2095—106X(2013)03—0061—05 Evaluation on the Effect of Classroom Case-based Teaching Based on Structural Wquation Model37 一一A Case Study of“Economic Law’’ YANG Yue-feng ,LI Zheng-hong ,XU Xue-rong (1.School of Transportation and Civil Engineering,Fu
5、jian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002; 2.School of Economics,Fujian Agricuhure and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China) Abstract:Based on structural equation 37model,this paper evaluated the efect of case-based teaching in economic law
6、,and built a structural equation model of ease—based teaching and its influencing factos rfrom three aspects:teacher,ease and sudetnts,in order to undestrand the student’S saitsfaciton to the efect of case-based teaching and the relevant inlfuencing factos
7、.rThe results show that,the efect of case-based teach37ing is inlfuenced by the three aspects mentioned above.Among which,teacher is the biggest factor ilufnencing the efect of case—based teaching,followed by ease,and the last factor is student.Based on he
8、t above,hits paper has presented some measures and suggestions for improving het efect of case-based teaching. Key Words:case-based teaching;structurl aequaiton model;37efectiveness evluaation;economic law 一、