4、ate Press联合通讯社 7.Common Law system英美法系 1.FIBA国际篮球联合会 2.Appeal Court上诉法院 3.Phrase Translation 短语翻译 4.Liaision interpretation 联络口译 5.For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》 6.capital venture风险投资1.海关总署General Administration of Customs 2.司法部Ministry of Justice 3.中国红十字会Red Cross Society o
5、f China 4.中国译协TAC 5.大运会Universiade 6.海基会 即 海峡交流基金会SEF:Straits Exchange Fundation 7.经济适用房houses for low-income families 8.国际惯例international practice 9.民事诉讼civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure 10.易经the Book of Changes 11.儒林外史the scholars 12.中美联合公报Sino-USA Joint Commun
6、ique20121.Subprime mortgage crisis2.Christian Science Monitor3.SWOT analysis4.appeal court5.The Tale of Two Cities6.the China-US business council7.liaison interpretation8.World Heritage Organization9.Closed-circuit News Network10.Kyodo News Service11.Savings portfolio12.appeal
7、court13.Summer Davos World Economic Forum cost-consciousness14.Strategic alignment 1.广交会 2.上海合作组织3.司法部 4.国家发改委 5.中国译协 1.中国银监会 2.亚运会 3.创业板 4.通胀压力 5.市场定位 6.三农问题 7.零关税待遇 8.民事诉讼 9.孙子兵法 10.史记20131.UNDP联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)2.Eurobond market欧洲债权市场 3.The Guardian