4、生有涯,吾呜乎知后人之读吾书者谓何!但取今日以示吾友。吾友读之而乐,斯亦足耳。且未知吾之后身读之谓何,亦未知吾之后身得读此书者乎,吾又安所用其眷念哉。东都施耐庵序春夜宴桃李园序(李白) 夫天地者,万物之逆旅。光阴者,百代之过客。而浮生若梦,为欢几何?古人秉烛夜游,良有以也!况阳春召我以烟景,大块假我以文章。会桃李之芳园,序天伦之乐事。群季俊秀,皆为惠连。吾人咏歌,独惭康乐。幽赏未已,高谈转清。开琼筵以坐花,飞羽觞而醉月。不有佳作,何伸雅怀?如诗不成,罚依金谷酒数。Feasting in the Peach-plum Garden in Spring Ni
5、ghtBy Li PoThe world is aninn for all creatures and time is a passing traveler of endless generations.Thefloating life is like a dream, and how brief the enjoyment is! Indeed, itwas with good reason thatthe ancients made nocturnal excursions by bearingcandle lights.It should beindeed m
6、ore so with us now that the sunny spring invites me withvapouryscenes, the big earth provides me with such a beautiful picture. Here we gatherin thebeautiful garden of peach and plum, and enjoy fraternal love. Youyounger brothers are all menof refinement and elegancy like Hwai Lien, bu
7、tamidst singing and chanting I myself feelashamed to be compared with Kang Lo.Before silentappreciation comes to the end, our lofty chat turns to puretalk. Theambrosianbanquet is served amid the flowers, and the flight of the winged goblet makesusdrunk under the moon. Without fine po