2、营销的发展趋势和前景进行了展望。关键词:企业;微博营销;策略1313TheAnalysisonEnterpriseMicro-blogMarketingTacticsABSTRACTWith the popularity of micro-blog , micro-blog has become a new network marketing mode. The marketing value of micro-blog has been got attention by smell sensitive enterprise .More and more ent
3、erprises have already benefited from micro-blog. How to use the micro-blog platform to do marketing has become an important way of enterprise’s product marketing. This article is based on the analysis of the value and problems of micro-blog marketing to enterprise and it discusses ho
4、w enterprises can use micro-blog network to do marketing strategy. Besides, it is also looking forward to the development of micro-blog marketing and its future trend.KeyWords:Enterprise;Micro-blogMarketing;Strategy13目录一、微博营销的概述1(一)微博及微博营销的含义..........................................