2、才能立于不败之地。Nowadays, market competitions are becoming increasingly fierce. A brand is not only the logo and name of a product, but also very important intangible asset which holds property value and can add value to the product. It is one of the non-price means for all g
3、roups and enterprises to occupy the market. Therefore, creating famous brands is a proven method both to explore and reach domestic and international markets and improve benefit of the enterprise.Brand strategy is the foundation for enterprises to win in the competitio
4、ns. A rand not only relates to the rise and fall of the enterprise, but also represents the image of the enterprise and reflect a country’s economic strength. Brand-name products are comprehensive reflections of the technological level, management level and corporate c
5、ulture of the enterprise. It is of crucial significance for 然而,国内很多企业在制定,实施名牌战略上仍有很多问题,存在着许多重大失误,比如:宣传策略不当、合资或联营不当、缺乏创新、质量下降等。而且对高科技含量在企业实施名牌战略过程中的作用,不够重视,不能充分利用高科技含量来促进企业名牌战略的实施。本文就以上面所列举的问题,运用所学的专业知识,展开分析研究,并探讨了关于确保企业高科技含量的方法。关键词:名牌名牌战略高科技含量改革开放以来我国经济建设取得了巨大进展,尤其是90代