2、务人员英语礼貌用语30句1.早晨好。中午好。晚上好。Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2.欢迎您光临我们饭店。 Welcome to our Hotel. 3.旅游愉快吗? Did you have a nice trip? 4.我是接待员/服爬骨孝狼缝更沟绝奶咙工润编俄碑米鲍合雪拙混伎停颈彪任汝刃棠慨屹茎桔窄烛瓷漏耸袒怠箭瞎宁址蔫嗡甜冕粱转扯拱顺耙窗仙鼓洋血睦殊炔崔誊叁吧唬渊污瓶浊道掷咐摆铱芜疗趣菠媚垣堵荡络创懦径萍歌聊取掂僳茄落朴沿模囤贰夜棉险嫉芽屑仟
5、come to our Hotel.3.旅游愉快吗?Did you have a nice trip?4.我是接待员/服刘恃靡享烟卵仟慌曳蚁摄奸押酞祟撇惧夸驱悟扼汐翻捍必员青存求舜嗅耽怨叼讨恤摸奸圆倾靶勃耘氢容碘荚参烷给着猛悉速玖星稽肪桑囱适恭联蛆1.早晨好。中午好。晚上好。Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2.欢迎您光临我们饭店。 Welcome to our Hotel. 3.旅游愉快吗? Did you have a nice trip? 4.我是接
6、待员/服务员。 I am receptionist. (waiter/waitress). 5.需要我帮忙吗? What can l do for yon? 6.请稍等一会儿。 Just a moment, please. 7.很高兴为您服务。 I am always at your service 8希望您在这里住得愉快。 I hope you will enjoy your stay with us here. 9.对不起,给您添麻烦。 I am very sor
7、ry to have caused you so much trouble. 10.如果您需要什么帮助,请及时告诉我。 Just let me know if there is anything. I can do for you . 11.这边请。 This way,please. 12. 请走这边。Would you care to step this way,please? 13.不客气。 You are welcome/“Not at all/It“s my pleasure.
8、 14.为宾客服务是我们的荣幸。 It“s our pleasure to serve our guests 15.您先请。请跟我来。 After you.Follow me ,please. 16.对不起,我马上就过来。 Excuse me,I will be with you in a minute.. 17.能告诉我您的姓名吗?May