1、云南省大理州宾川县第四高级中学高中数学教学论文n分之θ在第几象限问题的引申【内容摘要】由教材问题延伸为已知角为某一区域的角,求()所在区域的问题,从中挖掘的变化及的变化.从不同角度归纳他的一般解法和理论上的探讨,通过解法的探讨做出相应的课件或模型、算法实现等,从不同角度的理解,从而促进教学及数学问题的理解与解决.【关键词】象限角旋转解法拓展算法InTheExtendedSeveralQuadrantProblemAbstractWe are working out which area the belongs
2、With the extension from context problems to the known angel which belongs to one area, therefore, we can dig out the variation of both and n. Summarizing its general solution methods in all directions, in this way , we will make relative courseware, modal or
3、 arithmetic methods with the aiming to boost the speed of comprehending and solving about the mathematics problem. Key words : quadrant angle,rotate ,solution development,arithmetic 1、引言数学是一门研究空间形式和数量关系的科学.新课标提出“人人学有价值的数学,人人都能获得必需的数学,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展”.[2]10新课