1、4-4 音乐天才A Gifted Musician Q: 海伦,你对媒体有什么忌讳吗? Q: Helen, is there anything that you wish the media wouldn’t ask you? A: 没什么忌讳的。我喜欢新闻记者的提问,因为只要记者问有题要问我,那就说明我还干得不错。A: No, I like inquiries from the press people, because as long as they are asking questions, I’m doing okay. Q: 你把自己的首张专辑献给你的母亲,请问她对你的艺
2、术生涯产生了什么样的影响?Q: You dedicated your debut album to your mom. In what way did she impact your art career? A: 我的母亲是一位歌唱家,也是我的挚友。我很崇拜她。她非常了不起,在很多方面都非常优秀,在精神和音乐两方面都很出色。 A: She was a vocalist and one of my best friends. I adored her. She was a tremendous induividual in so many ways, spiritual and musi
3、cal in particular. Q: 你在歌曲创作方面有没有一种不同寻常的写作方式? Q: Do you have a particular method for songwriting? A: 嗯,我不知道有没有特殊的歌曲作词方法。我先作曲。先思考一下歌曲的旋律,然后再看看有没有灵感,歌词会不会冒出来。一般而言,旋律出不来,十之八九歌词也不会出来。 A: Well, I don’t know if I have. I start with the music. I try to be melodic first and I go ahead and see if the wo
4、rds will come. Generally, if the music isn’t happening, nine out of ten times the words aren’t happening. Q: 你的专辑有没有中心思想?Q: Is there any common message in the album? A: 我不知道有没有中心思想,我觉得这张专辑讲的是真诚,这是我自己的一种感悟。我只是在表达自己的思想。歌曲创作如同欣赏绘画一样,是自我体验的一种表白。如果人们觉得有意思,那就是锦上添花了。A: I don’t know if there is a messa
5、ge. I think it’s just honesty. It’s just the way I’ve experienced it. I’m just expressing myself. Songwriting is like looking at a painting. It is an expression of my personal experiences, and if people find that interesting, then that’s the icing on the cake. Q: 歌曲创作有助于你从个人经历中解脱出来吗? Q: Does song
6、writing help you get through personal experiences? A: 我觉得任何一种创造途径,任何一种创造方法,都可以成为解决自身问题或走出伤感阴影的一剂良药。很多人都得到这样的鼓励去从事创造性的活动,我肯定也会鼓励他人去从事这样的创造活动。不管是艺术、音乐、诗歌还是新闻,都一样。创造性很重要。没有创造性天赋的人只能欣赏他人的这种能力。人们对我说:“谢谢你!我本来不知道如何用语言来表达它。”那就是我的经历。创造性无疑是从容面对人生的一种本领。 A: I think any creative avenue, any creative outlet, i
7、s a way to sort out your issues or emotional distress. A lot of people are encouraged to do that, and I definitely encourage that. Be it art, music, poetry, or journalism. Creativity is important. People wh