1、Telling jokes谈独特玩笑Have you heard the one…你有没有听过…Groucho Marx liked a good oneGroucho Marx喜欢听精彩的No Joke: Making Jewish Humour.By Ruth Wisse.不许说笑:犹太式的玩笑THIS sharp and thoughtful study presents a reviewer with an unusual challenge: which jokedo you quote? One cannot tell them
2、 all, both because space forbids it and because some ofthem replicate, in order to mock and render harmless, noxious Jewish stereotypes.b5E2RGbCAP尖锐而又内涵的研究将一个不寻常的挑战放在读者面前:这句玩笑你引自何处?人们通常说不出所有之乎者也来,一方面是篇幅限制,另一方面是很多玩笑是照葫芦画瓢的,用以嘲讽和带恶意的或没有恶意的犹太人的固有看法。p1EanqFDPwThe most telling
3、joke is one that Ruth Wisse, professor of Yiddish literature at Harvard,attributes to Immanuel Olsvanger, a folklorist who was born in Poland in 1888 and who collectedYiddish humour. Here it is, paraphrased. When you tell a joke to a peasant, he laughs threetimes: once whe
4、n you tell it, next when you explain it to him and finally when he understands it.4/4The landowner laughs twice: once when you tell it and again when you explain it. The policemanlaughs only when you tell it, because he does not let you explain it and so never understands.
5、When you tell a Jew a joke he says,“I've heard it before. And I can tell it better.”DXDiTa9E3d有个讲的最多的笑话是哈佛希伯来语文学教授Ruth Wisse属于Immanuel Olsvanger ,后者是个搜集希伯来语笑话的民俗学家,于1888年出生于波兰。这里只是转述一下。跟农民讲笑话他会大笑三次,第一次是你给他讲的时候,第二次是你向他解释的时候,最后一次是当他终于听懂的时候。地主会笑两次:你讲的时候还有听你解释的时候。而警察只会在听你讲时候笑一
6、笑,他不会让你解释所以他也不会听懂。但当你跟一个犹太人讲笑话时,他会跟你说“噢,这我以前就听过,我可以讲的更好”。RTCrpUDGiTHis joke hinges not just on Jews' fondness for humour, but also on Jewish verbal dexterity,competitiveness and anxiety over social status. But, as Ms Wisse explains, the Jewishreputation for humour is neith
7、er universal nor ancient. The connection began with theEnlightenment, but even in the late 19th century London's chief rabbi felt obliged to defendJews against charges of humourlessness. Jews in Arab countries do not seem to have had thelaughing gene, but in the Yiddish-sp
8、eaking world—and in America and Israel, where many, if notmost, Jews descend from Yiddish