1、幼儿园英语教案:butterfly 【活动目标】 1、通过看看、听听、说说活动,理解童谣内容。 2、学习单词butterfly,词组goup,godown,goallround 3、能积极参与英语活动,体验学习的快乐。 【活动准备】 课件、英文学习卡 【活动过程】 一、课前热身 T:Good morning boys and girls! S:Good morning MissSu! T:How are you? S:I’m f
2、ine,thank you! 二、学习童谣 A、Look,who is coming? Yes,it“s a butterfly.(出示词卡butterfly)[幼儿开火车练说] B、Look atthe picture. (1)What can you see? Ok,there are three butterflies goup.(出示词卡goup) (2)Now,followme. “butterfly,butterfly,butterfly
3、 goup.” (3)Who wants to try?Boys(girls),comehere C、Look, (1)What can you see? Yes,there are three butterflies godown.(出示词卡godown) (2)Now,followme. “butterfly,butterfly,butterfly godown.” (3)Who wants to try?(出示蝴蝶头饰) D、Look,
4、 (1)What can you see? Yes,there are three butterflie goallround.(出示词卡goallround) (2)Followme. “butterfly,butterfly,butterfly goallround.” (3)Who wants totry?(出示蝴蝶头饰)[个别、集体] E、Let"s become this butterflies (完整念童谣) 三、结束 Are you happ