《英语人教版六年级下册Unit4Then and now》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在应用文档-天天文库。
1、Unit4Thenandnow第一课时ALet’slearn&Findthemistakes一、教学目标与要求:1.能够听、说、读、写以下七个单词和词组:dininghall,grass,gym,ago,year,month,last。2.能够正确运用上述七个单词和词组谈论或描述过去到现在发生的变化。3.能够完成活动:看图,挑出与事实不符之处。二、教学重点、难点分析:1.能听说认读本课时单词和句子。 2. 能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时。三、教学准备:多媒体课件。单词图片四、教学步骤和建议:Step1.Preparation1.
2、 Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike , went camping, hurt my foot , went fishing 教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如T: took. Ss: Took pictures, I took pictures last weekend. ( 边做动作边说) 2. Free ta
3、lk. T: How was your weekend? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to ... T: How did you go there? Ss: By ... T: What did you do there? Ss: I went fishing. / ...Step2Presentation1. 教学单词dining hall, grass, gym, ag
4、o. (1) Show the picture of grass. T: What‘s this? Ss: It‘s grass. 板书grass并教读。 Chant: Grass, grass. Play football on the grass. 以同样的方法教学dining hall, gym. Chant: Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch in the dinning. Gym, gym. Play basketball in the gym. (2) 教学单词ago
5、及词组... years ago, ... months ago. 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T: I went fishing three days ago. I went to Beijing two years ago. 板书并教读ago。 让学生说出... years ago, ... months ago的意思并造句。 出示两张新旧学校图片介绍并板书:There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. Now there‘s a new one in our school
6、. 教读。学生学说句子,描述学校以前和现在的样子.如:There was no computer room ten years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school. 听音正音3)听录音,指导学生完成探究学习1中的内容,并指导学生记忆关键词。Pairwork展示重点句型,并加以操练S:Therewas..? Ss: Thereis …(学生多操练) 组织学生讲所学短语运用到语句中,进行交流练习。Step3.Practice(1)眼疾手快游戏学生展开小组竞赛,根据画面和时间短语的提示
7、进行描述,看看谁的记忆力好,小嘴得分最高。(2)whatismissing?Step4. ProductionFindthemistakesStep5.Progress1、做配套相应的练习。2、Summary:whathaveyoulearnedtoday?3、Homework:学生熟读对话并默写四会句型。板书设计:Unit4ThenandnowALet’slearn&Findthemistakesdining hall, gym, grass, ago, ...years ago, ... months ago There wa
8、s gym in my school twenty years ago. Now there’s a new one in our school.