2、inite integral in our daily life and learning have a lot of use, this paper expounds the definition of definite integral and geometric meaning, and through the example analysis of the definite integral in the higher mathematics, physics, economics, and other fields of applicatio
3、n condition and its applications, through the analysis can be seen that the use of definite integral to solve some practical problems is very convenient and accurate. Keywords: definite integral, the application of definite integral, strives for the body of revolution, volume ch
4、ange forces work 0、前言众所周知,微积分的两大部分是微分与积分。一元函数情况下,求微分实际上是求一个已知函数的导数,而积分是已知一个函数的导数,求原函数,所以,微分与积分互为逆运算。在我们日常生活当中,定积分的应用是十分广泛的。定积分作为人类智慧最伟大的成就之一,既可以作为基础学科来研究,也可以作为一个解决问题的方法来使用。微积分是与应用联系着并发展起来的。定积分渗透到我们生活中的方方面面,推动了天文学、物理学、化学、生物学、工程学、经济学等自然科学、社会科学及应用科学各个分支的发展。并在这些学科中有越来越广泛的应用,微积分是一门历史