1、为什么美国人称火鸡为土耳其How a New World bird came to be named aftercountries halfway around the globe.这种新世界的鸟类为什么会以半个地球外的国家的名字来命名。Within the turkey lies the tangled history of theworld.在土耳其境内有着错综复杂的世界历史。OK, not quite. But not far off, either.好吧,或许并非如此,但也相差无几了。"Turkey" the
2、bird is native to North America. But "turkey" the word is a geographic mess—atribute to the vagaries of colonial trade and conquest. As you might have suspected, theEnglish term for the avian creature likely comes from Turkey the country. Or, more precisely,from
3、 Turkish merchants in the 15th and 16th centuries."火鸡"这种鸟是原产于北美洲。但是"turkey"一词来源是一种地理上的大杂烩——是对殖民地贸易和征服的异想天开的献礼。你可能认为这种鸟类的英文名字可能来自于土耳其这个国家的名字。或者,更确切地说,从第十五和十六世纪的土耳其商人那里得名。How exactly the word "turkey" made its way into the English language is in dispute. Thelingui
4、st Mario Pei theorized that more than five centuries ago, Turks from the commercialhub of Constantinople (which the Ottomans conquered in the mid-15th century) sold wild fowlfrom Guinea in West Africa to European markets, leading the English to refer to the bird
5、 as"turkey cock" or "turkey coq"(coq being French for "rooster”), and eventually "turkey" forshort. When British settlers arrived in Massachusetts, they applied the same terms to the wildfowl they spotted in the New World, even though the birds were a different
6、species than theirAfrican counterparts. The etymology expert Mark Forsyth, meanwhile, claims that Turkishtraders brought guinea fowl to England from Madagascar, off the coast of southeast Africa, andthat Spanish conquistadors then introduced American fowl to Eur
7、ope, where they were conflatedwith the "turkeys" from Madagascar. Dan Jurafsky, another linguist, argues that Europeansimported guinea fowl from Ethiopia (which was sometimes mixed up with India) via the MamlukTurks, and then confused the birds with North Americ
8、an fowl shipped across the Atlantic bythe Portuguese.“土耳其”这个单词如何出现在英语语言中依然有争议。语言学家Mario 裴理推测大概在五个多世纪前,君士坦丁堡这个商业中心的土耳其人(在15世纪中叶被土耳其人征服)将来自西非几内亚的野禽(即珍珠鸡)卖到欧洲市场,所以那时的英国人