1、Unit4P262d Alfred: This party is s a great idea! Gina: I a. It’s b three years s we last saw our pschool classmates. Alfred: It’s i to see how people have c. Gina: Billy has changed s much! He u to be so s and q. Alfred: Yeah, his f always t red when he t to
2、girls! Gina: I used to s him r in the library every day. Alfred: That’s b he was a r good student. He s hard and got goods on his exams. Gina: Did he use to w glasses? Alfred: Yes, and he used to b thin, too. But look hbigand strong he is now! Gina: He’s so p now.
3、 Look at all the girls a him!P273aFrom Shy Girl to P S1 For this month’s Young World m, I i 19-year-old A pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that she usedto be really shy and t up singing to d w her s.A she got better, she d to sing in f of her class,and then for t
4、he w school. Now she’s not shy a and loves s in front of c. 2.I asked Candy h life was d after she became f. She e that there are many good things, like being a to tand meet new people all the time. “I didn’t u to be popular in school, but now I get t of a everywh
5、ere I go.” However, too m attention can also be a b thing. “I always have to w about how I a---- to others and I have to be very cabout w I say or do.And I don’t have much p time a. H out with friends is almost i for me now because there are always g around me.” 3.
6、What does Candy h to say to all those young people wwant to b “you have to be p to give uyour n life. You can never i how difficult the road to s is. Many times I t about g up, but I f o. You really r a lot of t and hard work to s. Only a very small n of peopl
7、e m it to the top.P302bHe studieshthanheu t Li Wen is a n 15-year-old boy w works hard in school and g good g. It is h to b that he used to be a “problem child” u a conversation with his parents.It i his way of thinking. Li Wen lives in the Sichuan c. As a smallchild
8、, he s gave hisparents any p, and they were p of him. However, , the boy’s life b more difficult. He had to m