2、手段以及方法规律上。本文对挡驾语进行初步探讨,希望能加深人们对秘书语言的认识,拓宽秘书语言的研究范围,能有效地指导秘书挡驾工作实践,以促进挡驾目的的达成,并能对秘书教学有所启发。关键词:秘书工作;协调能力;挡驾;语言;应用IABSTRACTSecretarial work is a leading activity around the needs and goals and the auxiliary work, coordination is an important function in secreta
3、rial work and long-term task, the secretary by the coordination behavior of concrete, using coordinate art, social organizations and the relevant public relations to reach a good condition. Thelanguageofsecretaryplaysaveryimportantroleinthesecretary’sworktha