4、健全的保教队伍体制(6)减少班额,采用轮班制;(三)保育教师方面:(1)树立正确的保育观(2)适当减压,树立积极保育心理(3)保教结合,增进保教老师沟通关键词:保育工作;保教结合;保育理念;专业素质与技能AbstractThe kindergarten education is one of the most basic forms of education in today's society. As is known to all, preschool age as the children's growth and development
5、, is the key and special stage of kindergarten conservation work is helpful to the establishment of the teachers and children intimate relationship, promotion of school-age children's good habits and the cultivation of healthy personality forming, and children in the kinderg
6、arten form a sense of belonging and security, and is beneficial to the friendly contacts between peers, plays a very profound significance. So it is necessary to do conservation work, completes the conservation work should first establish a scientific concept of conservation
7、, professional skills and basic quality requirements, so you can do a good job in a kindergarten education activities, completes own labor of duty, must have advanced ideas of conservation concepts and professional care skills. Cooperate with preschool teachers is good for t
8、he wang women work, in order to promote the cause of education effectively.