4、VuniversityofWeinan[Abstract]To cultivate a good behavior habit, we must start small. Young children are at the initial stage of life, high plasticity, self-control ability is poor, is the critical moment of the good behavior habit, it is infected with bad behavior habits
5、dangerous phase, if not timely to develop good habits, will miss the good opportunity, the leopard cannot change, the habit is a second nature. This paper analyzes the behavior of children's bad behavior, and puts forward some measures to cultivate children's good behavior
6、 habits.[Thekeyword]Infant school education,Good behavior,Formative education习惯究竟是什么?习惯就是习以为常的行为,是一种稳定的自动化的行为,是经过反复练习而养成的语言、行为、思维等生活方式,它是人们头脑中所建立起来的一系列的条件反射。幼儿时期良好品德与行为习惯的教育培养对于人的一生是致关重要的,所以我们应该抓住幼儿的关键期,进行良好品德和行为习惯的教育培养。一、什么是幼儿良好行为习惯著名教育家陈鹤琴认为:"人类的动作十分之八九是习惯,而这种习惯又大部分是在幼年养