the analysis of effects gender and second language acquisition

the analysis of effects gender and second language acquisition


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《the analysis of effects gender and second language acquisition》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在学术论文-天天文库

1、TheAnalysisofEffectsGenderandSecondLanguageAcquisition  Abstract: This paper states three main reasons causing the differentiation: the differentiation in biology, language competence and social environment.  Key words: gender differentiation, SLA, re

2、asons of the differentiation  摘 要 本研究主要探讨造成这种差异的原因主要有三点:生理上的差异、 语言智力方面的差异和社会环境的差异。  关键词 性别差异  二语习得 差异原因  I. Introduction  Gender has been popular factor in SLA. This paper mainly talks about the reasons caused the differences of gender effects on SLA,

3、 and try to provide basis for the design of second language acquisition strategies.  II. Literature review4  Since the middle of 19960s, gender becomes a popular topic. Robin Lakeoff talked about the different conversation mode between males and femal

4、es. Leonard Bloomfield lists Yana men and women using different words to describe the same phenomenon in 1933. Mary Hass found that Koasati men and women who are from the west part of Louisiana used different verb forms in attributive and imperative s

5、entences. Mary Hass found that Koasati men and women who are from the west part of Louisiana used different verb forms in attributive and imperative sentences.  III. The reason analysis of the results  There are three main points causing these differe

6、nces: the physiological differences, language competence and the difference of social environment.  1. Physiological differences  Through gender comparison study of the male and female dominance, mother-child bonding, aggressive, friendly inclination,

7、 division of labor, language ability, social biology appeals that some characteristics of female physiology (A Mu Karim J Ki, 1897: 49). Because of the differences in brain structure, nerve system, and muscle structure of males and females, females ar

8、e more emotional, and have more abundant word about one language than males do.4  2. Linguistic intelligence  Psychology research shows that individuals have a significant gender differences in many aspects of behaviors. Males and females are 



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