【精品】[外文4]Quantitative assessment of European municipal web sites_ Development and use of an evaluation tool
【精品】[外文4]Quantitative assessment of European municipal web sites_ Development and use of an evaluation tool
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《【精品】[外文4]Quantitative assessment of European municipal web sites_ Development and use of an evaluation tool》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在应用文档-天天文库。
1、The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available atwww.emeraldinsight.com/1066-2243.htmQuantitative assessment ofEuropean municipal web sitesDevelopment and use of an evaluation toolFrancisco Javier Miranda, Ramo´n Sanguino andTom
2、a´s M. Ban˜egilFacultad de Ciencias Econo´micas y Empresariales, University of Extremadura,Badajoz, SpainAbstractPurpose – The internet is becoming increasingly important in the communication between localgovernments and citizens, which makes the usa
3、bility of municipal web sites a critical factor ingovernment-citizen communication. The purpose of this paper is to propose and test a model forevaluating the potential of municipal web sites.Design/methodology/approach – In this work an objective in
4、vestigation of the issue has beenconducted by manually accessing and evaluating 84 European municipal web sites. Quality of webhome pages was determined using an original Web Assessment Index, which focuses on fourcategories: accessibility, speed, na
5、vigability and content.Findings – A detailed report of the results arising from this investigation is presented andsystematically analyzed.Originality/value – The most valuable output from this paper is not the ability to identify the bestsites, but
6、to see how each municipal site is compared to related sites and to spot ideas and practicesthat can improve city sites. These findings will be useful for both researchers and practitioners whoseek to understand the issues relevant to municipal e-gover
7、nment.Keywords Worldwide web, Internet, Local government, EuropePaper type Research paper1. IntroductionThe greatest potential for internet use in public organizations lies in applicationsdesigned to facilitate open communication between agencies and
8、 create dialoguebetween citizens and their government.So, the internet has become an important communication channel betweenmunicipalities and citizens. Municipal web sites enable to make enormous amounts ofinformation available at relatively low cos