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《医学生医患关系认知 基于社区环境的医学生医患沟通能力评价研究》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
1、医学生医患关系认知基于社区环境的医学生医患沟通能力评价研究中国医学伦理学 Chinese Medical Ethics 2014年2月 第27卷第1期 Feb.2014 Vo1.27 No.1 网址:http://yxllx.xjtu.edu.an 投稿系统:http://xnlx.cbpt.cnki.net22 基于社区环境的医学生医患沟通能力评价研究 徐赕,陈红 ,周庆环,王杉 (北京大学人民医院教育处,北京100044) [摘要]目的 为了解在校本科阶段医学生医患沟通能力的现况,探讨建立基于社区环
2、境的医学生医患沟通 能力评价体系的意义和方法。方法带教教师运用SEGUE量表,通过结构化观察的方法对基于社区卫生服务中 60名被评估对象中,就医患沟通内 心真实临床情境的医学生医患沟通能力进行评价并进行描述性分析。结果容而言,仅有38.3%达到合格标准;就沟通技巧而言,有93.3%达到合格标准。结论基于社区环境的医学生医 患沟通能力评价能够客观地反映了医学生医患沟通能力的现况,高等医学院校应采取多种方法,提高22医学生医患 沟通能力。同时也为全科医师规范化培训过程中医患沟通能力的培养和评价提供借鉴和参考
3、的依据。 [关键词]社区卫生服务;医患沟通;评价;能力培养 [中图分类号]R192 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001—8565(2014)01—0067—03 Evaluation of Medialc Students Doctor—paitent Communicaiton Capacity Based on Communiy tEnvironment XU Yi。CHEN Hong。Z22HOU Qing—huan.WANG Shan (Education Department of Peo
4、ples' Hospital f oPeking University, e 100044,China) Abstract:Object:In order to understand the undergraduated medicla students ability of doctor—patient com— munication。build community—based environmentl asigniifcance of the evaluation system of medical
5、 students doctor22 —patient communication skills.Methods:Teachers used the SEGUE scale。through the structured observation method of community heltah service center based on the real clinicl asituation of medical students doctor—patient communication skil
6、ls wi山descriptive analysis and evaluation.Results:Of the 60 subiects,content of doctor—pa. tient communicatio22n。only 38.3%were quliaifed standard:for communication skills。there were 93.3%qualiifed standard.Conclusion:Based on the community environment o
7、f medical students doctor—patient communication skills evaluation can relfect obiectively the current situation of medical students doctor—patient communication skills。medicl acolleges should take v22arious methods to improve medicl astudents doctor—pati
8、ent communication skills.In tlle process of standardization as well as general practitioner training of doctor—patient communication skills training and evaluation to provide reference and reference. Key words:Community He