2、s. S = sum f = frequency Leaveoutperiodsinstandardabbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department Useonlythefirstsyllableofaword. pol = politics dem = democracy lib = liberal cap = capitalism Useentirefirstsyllableandonly1stletterof2ndsyllable. pres =
3、presentation subj = subject ind = individual cons = conservative Eliminatefinalletters.Usejustenoughofthewordtoformarecognizableabbreviation. assoc = associate biol = biology info = information ach = achievement chem = chemistry max = maximum intro = introduction conc
7、dagain.Forexample,CenterforAerospaceSciencesbecomesCASthereafter. Usesymbolsforcommonlyrecurringconnectiveortransitionalwords. & = and w/ = with w/o = without vs = against = therefore = = isorequal Usetechnicalsymbolswhereapplicable. zb