1、分类号:TP391学号:11021404学号:12345678910本科毕业论文论《左传》的战争描写艺术着重写文学性The description of "art Rewriting Literature of Zuo Zhuan" war姓名:专业:指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:2015年3月摘要《左传》是春秋时期的一本史学作品,记载了春秋时期的历史,对于研究先秦时期的历史有非常重要的作用,同时《左传》也有很高的文学艺术价值。本篇文章主要是为了研究《左传》在描写战争时表现出到的艺术特色,进而理解《左传》文学价值。文章主要介绍了《左传》的主要内容,然后结合文献从人
2、物、文字、战争叙述方面来分析《左传》中战争描写的艺术特色。可以发现《左传》对人物的刻画主要体现在语言动作上,在文字上注重修辞和细节上的描写,在对战争的记叙上采用多种方法。关键词:《左传》战争艺术人物长春师范大学本科毕业论文Abstract"Zuo Zhuan" is the spring and Autumn period of the historical works, recorded in the spring and Autumn period of history, has a very important role in the study of p
3、re Qin period in history, at the same time "also has the very high artistic value of Zuo". This article is mainly to study the "Zuo Zhuan" show to the artistic characteristics in the description of the war, and understanding of "Zuo Zhuan" literary value. This paper mainly introduces
4、 the main contents of "Zuo Zhuan", and then combining with literature from characters, words, war narrative to analyze the "Zuo Zhuan" in the description of the characteristics of art of war. "Can be found on the depiction of the characters of Zuo Zhuan" is mainly embodied in the lan
5、guage movement, in the text pays attention to rhetoric and the details of the description, a variety of methods in a war on the narrative.Keywords:"ZuoZhuan"warartfigure14长春师范大学本科毕业论文目录摘要2Abstract1目录2绪论3一、《左传》简述4(一)、《左传》的简单介绍4(二)、《左传》中的战争5二、人物刻画6(一)、通过语言刻画人物性格6(二)、利用战争双方的矛盾刻画人物性格7三、文