《How to grow old 英美文学欣赏赏析.doc》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
2、ence,thetopicishowtogrowold,butthearticle’struepurposeistellingpeoplethebestwaytoovercomethefearofdeathasyougetolder.Inthefirstplace,Russelldrollycameupwithhisfirstadvice:weshouldcarefullyselectedourancestors.Afterlistinghisgreatancestors,I couldn’t agree any more----This, I think, is the proper
3、 recipe for remaining young. If you have wide and keen interests and activities in which you can still be effective, you will have no reason to think about the merely statistical fact of the number of years you have already lived, still less of the probable brevity of your future. Sure it is.The
4、n,Russellclearlydescribetheopinionsofaseriesofhealthy,growingoldanddeath.Hepointedthatinoldageweshouldmentallybevigilanttotwodangers.One is undue absorption in the past, and the other is clinging to youth in the hope if sucking vigor from its vitality. Russellthinksthatthebestwaytoconquerthefear
5、ofdeathistomakeyourinterestsgraduallywiderandmoreimpersonal,untilbitbybitthewallsoftheegorecede,andyourlifebecomesincreasinglymergedintheuniversal.Ifonepersoninoldagecanregardhislifeasariver,hewillnotfeelthefearofthedeath.Becausethecausehedevotedtowillcontinueforever.And in my point of view, it
6、entirely depends on your attitude to life. Everyone was born to death. We have no means to avoid it but to face it. Faced with death, what we only can do is to go for what we want, what we need, and what we like. At the end of this article, Russell expressed his wish----I should wish to die whil
7、e still at work, knowing that others will carry onwhat I canno longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. I cannot help but feel deep respect for this man. He is really a philosopher. Doubtle