1、北京师范大学出版社(必修四)畅言教育Unit10MoneyLesson2TheRightPrice◆教材分析This is the second lesson of this unit whose topic is about Money. Bargaining skills are closel用心用情服务教育北京师范大学出版社(必修四)畅言教育y related to this topic. And they are also based on the learning of lesson 1 which is about one's attitude tow
2、ards money. And this lesson serves as a preparation of the following lessons of this unit, forming a clue :how to achieve the right attitude towards money---how to value money ---- how to spend money.◆教学目标【知识与能力目标】1.TellwhereyoucanbargainandwhatyoucanbargainforinBritain.2.Listsomebarg