3、gratedmanagementsystembasedonWeb页:2字体错误:大小应为【二号】实际〖四号〗页:2段落格式错误行距应为【单倍行距】实际〖1.5倍行距〗行距值应为【12.0】实际〖18.0〗首行缩进应为【0.0】实际〖0.5〗段后应为【24.0】实际〖0.0〗段前应为【24.0】实际〖0.0〗【Abstract】页:2段落格式错误首行缩进应为【0.0】实际〖0.5〗With the opening of laboratory and deepening of practical teaching system reform, digital and networked a
4、dmiration becomes the tendency of laboratory admiration. Opening teaching of experiments is one of the effective approaches to improve experimental teaching quality of common foundational course. And opening teaching is propitious to promote hardware construction, system construction and standar
5、dization administration of laboratory. Also, it is helpful to train student's innovative ability. 页:2字体错误:西文应为【宋体】实际〖TimesNewRoman〗中文应为【楷体_GB2312】实际〖宋体〗This design, which starts from the real demand of the experiment teaching administration in the electronic experiment center of our college and
6、the present condition of teaching administration, develops a comprehensive and practical information management system. This system in the Internet foundation, utilizes the Web technology, by the B/S system structure took the bare bone, to take the database of the system, through the ASP technol
7、ogy realization the interactive dynamic management of the electronic experiment center, has realized conventional function and ordinary laboratory management, on-line experimental appointment, has provided the practical feas