2、isheaddidn'tdroop(低垂)andhiseyeswerebrighterthanusual3)Pamsatinthecornerwithhisheadhungdown(头低着)4)Hisjawdroppedinamazement.他下巴惊讶得掉下来5)Thesmilefroze(僵住)onhisface;hismouthfellwideopen6)wenoddedourheadsinagreement,understandingeachother2.动“嘴”,嘴部运动gasp for fresh air拼命呼吸新鲜空气gasp for breath气喘吁吁puff and p
3、ant气喘呼吁take a bite/sip咬/喝了一口yawn sleepily困倦地打哈欠cut in插话talk in whispers低声说话clear one' s throat清嗓子Group I1)She greeted James and inquired(问),“ Are youready?"James didn't respond2)“Here,Mum! Here!"! Tony exclaimed as hewaved wildly in the crowd3) My teammates were all screaming as[ dashed(冲向) toward
4、 the finishing line4) The stadium got really noisy at that time, witheverybody shouting at the top of his voice5) The last words came out in an eager rush(蹦出来)6) He looked at me, biting his lips(咬着嘴唇),asifthinking.Group 21)they let out a surprisingly loud voice.2) He murmured(低声说) a thank you and
5、ran homeall the way.3)He interrupted the silence with an announcement“The deadline to enter for he competition istomorrow.”4)I was getting ready to blow out all the candles andsheis getting ready to help me in case I ran out ofair. “Time to go. "I whispered to the girl, wishingshe could follow me
6、right away.5)A young man came tothe police station,surrounded by a group of journalists, declaring thathe had spotted the murderer6) I was laughing and panting(喘气), trying to keepup(追上) when I was tripped over(绊倒)byastone7) Scolded by the teacher, I bit my lip to stop myselfcrying out(咬着嘴唇不让自己哭出来)
7、/ I swallowedhard against threatening tears(我强忍住眼泪)3.动“眼”,眼部运动stare at sb.盯着看某人look into one' s eyes看着……的眼睛glare at怒视take a quick glance快速看glance through快速测览look over one' s shoulder at..回头看eye sb. up and down上上下