2、side-blownbambooflute,dizi.ThexiāoisaveryancientChineseinstrumentusuallythoughttohavedevelopedfromasimpleend-blownfluteusedbytheQiangpeopleofSouthwestChina.Themodernsix-holeformoftheinstrumentgoesbacktotheMingdynastyThe hulusi (traditional: 葫芦丝; simplified: 葫芦丝; pinyin: húlúsī) is a free reed w
3、ind instrument from China. It is held vertically and has three bamboo pipes which pass through a gourd wind chest; one pipe has finger holes and the other two are drone pipes.The hulusi was originally used primarily in the Yunnan province by the Dai and other non-Han ethnic groups but is now pl
4、ayed throughout China, and hulusi are manufactured in such northern cities as Tianjin. Like the related free reed pipe called bawu, the hulusi has a very pure, clarinet-like sound.Xun(埙)isanancientporcelainwind-instrument.MostofXunsismadefromiguline.TheearliestpiecesofXunprobablydatefromHemuduS