1、美剧里的神翻译BysummerThebigbangtheoryRaj: What-what kind of a kiss?Leonard: A bigkiss.Onthe mouth.Howard: Is it possible that she was going foryourcheekand you moved and sheaccidentallygot lip? That happens with me and my mom all the time.Leonard: She introduced me to herfather,kissedme and
2、 then shut the door in my face.Howard: Maybe she was trying to send you a message.Leonard: You think?Howard:Yeah."Thisman is not my father." I'mbeing held hostage."So I'm going todo"somethinginsanein the hopes that you'll call 911."Leonard: Penny kissing me is not insane. She used to
3、kiss me all the time.Sheldon: Einsteindefinedinsanity as "doing the same thing over and over again andexpectingdifferentresults." By thatstandard,Pennyiscuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.Thesongoficeandfire2brokegirlssupernaturalsherlock