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1、细胞周期和细胞凋亡类基因G0 G1 转变 (G0 to G1 transition) 1: mdm4G1/S 特异转录,有丝分裂细胞周期 (G1/S-specific transcription in mitotic cell cycle) 1: gfi1G1/S 转变, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle) 19: bcat1 ccnd1 ccne1 cdc34 cdc7 cdca5 cdk4 cdkn3 cul1 cul2 cul3 cul4a cul5 gspt1 lats2 pml ppp6c rcc1 skp2G1/S 转
2、变检控点 (G1/S transition checkpoint) 4: dlg1 hus1 nbn puraG1 期 (G1 phase) 2: cdc42 rb1G1 期, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (G1 phase of mitotic cell cycle) 10: anapc2 cdc23 cdk6 cdkn1c dnaja2 e2f1 map3k11 taf1 taf1l tbrg4G1 特异转录,有丝分裂细胞周期 (G1-specific transcription in mitotic cell cycle) 1: gfi1bG2/M转变, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (G2/M trans
3、ition of mitotic cell cycle) 10: anapc10 anapc4 anapc5 birc5 ccnb1 cdk2 dnm2 khdrbs1 lats1 tpd52l1G2/M转变DNA 损伤检控点 (G2/M transition DNA damage check-point) 1: brsk1G2 期, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (G2 phase of mitotic cell cycle) 4: cenpf ches1 gtse1 kpna2M期 (M phase) 2: ilf3 rb1M期, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (M phase of mitotic cell
4、cycle) 4: cdc25b dlg7 mphosph6 mphosph9M期特异微管过程 (M phase specific microtubule process) 1: kpna2S-M检控点 (S-M checkpoint) 1: appbp1S 期, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (S phase of mitotic cell cycle) 1: cdk2ap1S 期特异转录,有丝分裂细胞周期 (S-phase-specific transcription in mitotic cell cycle) 1: abl1胞裂蛋白环组装 (septin ring assembly) 1: nu
5、bp1胞质分裂 (cytokinesis) 16: arhgef11 aurkc cecr2 dctn3 diaph2 espl1 myh10 prc1 rasa1 rock2 sept2 sept3 sept4 sept5 sept6 sept7不对称细胞分裂 (asymmetric cell division) 1: pard3凋亡程序 (apoptotic program) 10: bad bik casp2 casp7 casp8 casp9 mcl1 pdia2 psen2 vdac1凋亡核改变 (apoptotic nuclear changes) 2: dedd2 ndufa1
6、3凋亡染色体浓缩 (apoptotic chromosome condensation) 1: acin1凋亡线粒体改变 (apoptotic mitochondrial changes) 4: bak1 bax bcl2l1 bid动粒组装 (kinetochore assembly) 2: cenpe cenpf纺锤体组织和生物发生 (spindle organization and biogenesis) 7: aurka bub1b cks2 kntc2 spag5 ube2c zwint分裂间期, 有丝分裂细胞周期 (interphase of mitotic cell cycle
7、) 1: katna1减数分裂 (meiosis) 30: boll c8orf1 ccna1 ccnb3 cspg6 dmc1 dmwd dusp13 exo1 h2afx mre11a msh4 msh5 nek2 rad50 rad51 rad54l rec8l1 smc1l1 smc1l2 spo11 stag2 stag3 sycp1 sycp2 top3a tsga2 utp14c xrcc2 z