2、装现状分析的基础上,分析存在的主要问题,并提出合理性建议。以实现包装的合理性、经济化,从而为果农增加收入,为农村致富。[关键词]枇杷;物流包装;集合包装;单元包装;[ABSTRACT]The Study on Logistics Packaging of Fujian LoquatFruit In recent years, a lot of people have started to pay attention to the value of fruit packaging, but the poor and unmatched packing is still everyw
3、here. Moreover, in the process of postharvest fruit has suffered serious losses.The loss rate is more than 30% each year, and the water resistance of fruitsdrops for the stimulation which is caused by mechanical damage and environment. Reducing loss fruits after picking has become one of the f
4、arm problems which should be concerned by all over the world. In this paper, taking the characteristic fruit of Fujianprovince--loquatfruitasthebackground,thelogisticspackagingisstudied.Basedonthecharacteristics of loquat fruit and the present situation of logistics packaging the main problems
5、 are analyzed .Combining with the key technology of fruit logistics packaging and the actual background the logistics packaging of fruit product is optimized and redesigned , and reasonable suggestions are putted forward . Hope making the packaging become rationalized and economized , reducing
6、 the rate of loss of the fruit, thus increasing farmers' income for the rural rich. 第8页共8页湖南商学院学年论文(课程设计) [KEYWORDS]Loquatfruit;Logisticspackaging;Assemblypackaging;Transportpackaging一、果品物流包装1、物流包装的主要内容包装是物流的基本职能之一,对物流有着至关重要的作用,物流包装主要包括运输包装和集合包装。(1)单元包装。保护和存储是单元包装的最基本功能,单元包装必须具备保护物料在物流作业中的质量,避