1、经验交流城市地下管道的腐蚀与防护Corrosion and protection of city underground pipeline李雯霞(酒泉职业技术学院,甘肃 酒泉 735000)摘 要:城市地下管道周围土壤环境复杂,所输送的介质也多有腐蚀性,因而管道容易遭到腐蚀。一旦管道被腐蚀穿孔即造成泄漏事故,不仅使输送中断,影响人们的正常生活次序,而且会污染环境甚至可能引起火灾造成危害。本文主要分析了地下管道腐蚀的原因及防护方法。关键词:埋地管道;腐蚀;防护Abstract:City underground pipeline are buried under
2、ground, the surrounding soil environment is complex,the transport medium also is corrosive,so vulnerable to corrosion of pipeline.Once the pipeline is corrosion perforation is causing the leakage accident,not only make the transportation interruption,affect people’s normal life ord
3、er,and will pollute the environment and may even cause a fire hazard caused by the.This paper mainly analyzes the reasons of the underground pipeline corrosion and protection methods.Keywords:buried pipeline;corrosion;prevention中图分类号:TU528 文献标识码:B文章编号:1003-8965(2015)01-0135-02城市地下管