1、对中间站调车作业的分析与探讨来源:作者:时间:2008-04-08Tag:点击:842·摘要:针对目前中间站调车作业安全的特点,找出调车作业中存在的隐患,采取针对性措施,有效控制调车作业环节,最大限度消除调车隐患。关键词:中间站 调车作业 隐患 措施Analysis and Discussion of Switching Work at Intermediate Depot Li Lingui, ( Yuanping Branch Company of Shuohuang Railway, Transportation and Producti
2、on Dept., Yuanping City, Shanxi Province, 034101) Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of switching work at intermediate depot at present, this paper is to find out the hidden danger of switching work, take pertinence measures, control the link of this work effectively and di